PixlusMC [1.16.5]

PixlusMC survival

Location:USUnited States
Players: 0/1500
Checked: Disabled
Score: 0
Votes: 2
PixlusMC [1.16.5]

The PixlusMC is a Java 1.16.5 server thats hosts Griefing and Raiding Survival

| IP: mc.pixlus.io


-- What PixlusMC server offers:

- Griefing and Raiding Survival [1.16.5]

- KitPvP

- TnTRun

- Lagless connection

- 24/7 activity

- Chill staff and limited restrictions

- A large online store for pvp kits and other perks https://pixlus.tebex.io


The server is extremely optimized to be fast

for even those with the low end hardware.

and all with an absolutely no-lag connection.

The server is ran on a i9-10900k with 128gb

3800mhz memory and 1.5 gigabit networking.


(C) Pixlus 2021
