
4 minutes ago
TWAWKI B-Team - Welcome home!
TWAWKI group has had many kinds of Minecraft servers since 2013.
But Attack of the B-Team has always been our favourite as it's the awesomest modpack of them all! :D
We are not trying to be the best and the biggest server, there's enough of them already.
Our goal instead is to make a fun and safe server that we can call home! :)
We are very nice, friendly and helpful community of new and long-time players, who welcome everyone who seek for relaxing easy survival gaming. We don't have too much staff and they play just like everyone in a normal survival without any item privileges or fancy labels.
Note! This site may falsely claim the server to be offline. But we have been online since 2015, and as of 2024-09-08 we still don't have any intentions to ever shut down.
- The world is infinite, there is no world borders. Explore your heart out!
- There is no annoying "clearlagg's" or forced regular restarts to keep the lag away. The server is kept lag-free with careful manual interventions and by staff cleaning old bases from chunkloaders and laggy contraptions.
- Yes you heard right, chunk loaders are allowed as they don't cause lag. It's laggy machinery and overflown mob farms which cause lag, and if your base don't have laggy stuff then you are welcome to keep it running 24/7 with chunk loaders. If you really need a million cactuses, go for it! xD
- Keep-inventory is on. Fire spread is off. Mob block damage is off.
- Claiming by GriefPrevention plugin. Claimable area increases generously by non-afk playing time. The longer you play the larger you can claim.
- All the shops are made by players for the players. You get money when you start on the server and each day from the daily login reward signs, from voting (with extra random bonus money!), and from selling and trading stuff with other players. Economy is stable, no insane multi-thousand-dollar ingot prices!
- We have already dozens of different streaming radio channels for OpenBlocks radio, including lots of musical styles, plus some fun non-musical channels too! ;D
- Server runs on a dedicated hardware with fast network, tera-byte harddisks, fast CPU cores and lots of RAM (18 GB reserved for B-Team).
- Server's location in Eastern North America provides excellent lag-free connections also to Europe (owner and half of the players are from Europe so this is a must!).
- PvP is not allowed and it's OFF by default.
- No griefing, no stealing and no raiding! Doing these is sure way to get permanently banned.
- No swearing, not even concealed swears or acronyms of swearing as their meaning is just the same as the real words. We keep our server kid-friendly and nice place for players of all ages by enforcing this rule seriously. :)
- No spamming, racism, sexism or sexual content either. Not even as "jokes" or "memes". Keep it clean, respect others and you are respected.
- Don't cheat, don't hack, don't abuse bugs and glitches. Doing those on survival server is totally lame and will result to ban.
- Anyone cheating by duplicating or generating items by abusing bugs and glitches, or receiving or distributing stuff gained by such cheaty methods, will be banned.
- Intended use of lava fabricators, magma crucibles and other machinery is of course allowed.
- Server lagging or crashing contraptions are not allowed.
- We don't have ranks, privileges, or vacant staff positions.
- All player bans are permanent. No temporary bans. If the breaking of the rules is severe enough, also the rule breakers friends may get banned to stop them getting revenge, use cheated/hacked-in stuff, or whine the rule breaker back. We don't ban jokingly and we don't have immature admins or mods who would troll the players and ban for random reasons. Our admins don't have sense of humour when it comes to the rules.